Friday, November 24, 2006

B goes blogging

I did not exist so far. Because, once some blog clown gave a philosophical insight to the existance of human lives and said, "I blog. Therefore I exist." Poor me never blogged. Therefore I did not exist. I overheard the word 'blog' in subways, buses, parties but did not have the slightest idea of what people were talking about. I thought it was just another one of those things that I did not need to pay attention to. Then with time the word started hitting me more often. Newspapers started talking about celebrity blogs. Still I was oblivious to those 'blogs thingies'. The first time I paid attention to the word was when I heard that some ivy-league school professor's plagiarism with science was flashed in some blog posts. In my mind I envisioned a series of wooden posts with hand-written posters on them where the dishonest professor's evil deeds were exposed. Way to go, I thought. Just to make sure that I was right, I pulled out the extra heavy Webster's dictionary, cleaned the dust off the cover and checked for the word "blog". There was no such word. I looked around for those wooden posts around the school. Alas, I could only find some hand written posters for moving-sales and math-tutors. Since the first and last refuge of a modern man (a modern old-school-man as well) is the internet, I carefully typed the word in google and was soon enlightened. Almost immediately I felt the craving desire to create my own blog in order to exist. And finally...I have stated to exist! I feel alive now. This is my blog. WELCOME, ladies and gent'lmen. Enjoy.

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